Offering internet personal training services is one of the newest trends in online fitness. Because it’s still fairly new there are lots of people who still don’t know they can obtain fitness services, and not just fitness products, online. This has created a remarkable opportunity for personal trainers to begin their own business beginning with the development of an optimized website and a clearly defined marketing strategy.
Master of the Fitness Universe
The key to mastering the secret of online internet personal training success lies in first developing a clear marketing strategy and then a supporting website second. The website you use to sell your services needs to be optimized, provide an easy opportunity to be a paying customer and tested in terms of effectiveness.
People talk about search engines, but few really understand how they work. People will get to your site using one of several routes and a search engine is one of the primary means. Understanding how the search engine works is crucial to the site design.
Search engines basically do exactly as the name implies – they search. The program goes out on the internet and searches for mention of links to websites. The more link references, the more important the site thinks the link really is and will then assign it a ranking. The whole process is quite complex and involves using keywords, link placement and a number of other strategies.
Search engine optimization is a process which professional web designers, or web masters, use to get a website ranked higher than it would otherwise. Companies such as ours are experts at web design and understand the secrets of search engine optimization (SEO). By using such a company to design your internet personal training site, you’re time is freed up to add other website promotion techniques and for following up on leads generated by the website.
Can I Tell You More?
Following up on leads you get through your website is one of the most important marketing steps you can take towards success. How many times have you told yourself you won’t ever do business with someone, because they won’t call you back? Internet leads work the same way.
When someone contacts you through your internet personal training website using opt-in form boxes or a contact link, you need to make sure you respond. There are a variety of tools which can be used to contact the customer . For example, you can either personally answer each lead on an automatically generated opt-in list or use auto-responders.
A professional web designer can explain all the options available for managing your customer contact list. A lead is only as good as your ability to respond to the inquiry. Otherwise, the customer will just forget about you and go to another internet personal training site where they can get the information needed.
Even in the world of online marketing, some of the same old-fashioned concepts, like customer service, still apply!