Using carefully placed health and fitness website links on other sites can significantly increase the number of your website visits. The search engine process is a complex process that can be influenced by placing one-way links to your website. The more links you have on other sites, the more important the search engine considers your website and responds by increasing your ranking in the listing results.
Right on Target
Anyone using the internet has heard of search engines and links, but they don’t often understand how careful placement of links can significantly increase the number of website visits. Whenever someone visits your website it’s a chance to add a paying customer, so the goal is to have as many site visits as possible. If the website has been creatively and effectively designed, there’s also a much better chance a potential customer will purchase your product or services.
The more links to your website you place on other websites, the more visits you will get each day. in the wellness industry, this equates to a golden opportunity because there are so many related products and services which are suitable for health and fitness website links. In the business of health and fitness, you can connect with companies that sell food products, medical equipment, online physician services, fitness centers, health clubs, employee wellness programs and on and on and on.
By increasing the incoming links to your site, the chances of finding new customers is greatly enhanced. The beauty of this linking process is you can place one-way health and fitness website links that target your website, and you don’t have to reciprocate. In other words, the link on the other sites sends customers to your website and that’s where they stay – on your website.
The way the health and fitness website links work in the search engine process is interesting. The search engine sends out a “spider” that crawls the web looking for links. The links are automatically indexed and then compared to search keywords. Matches are then ranked according to their calculated importance.
The more health and fitness website links you have on other sites, the more often the spider will find mention of your website. In simplified terms, this makes the spider believe your website must be important to internet users and will increase your website ranking appropriately.
Adding health and fitness website links on other sites gives you a double advantage. Your website is ranked higher in the search engines and you have customers sent to your website on a regular basis through the links. This is the equivalent of a bulls-eye in the world of customer targeting.
At our company, we can help you add as many links as you want to other sites so your personal training business is successful.